Monthly Archives: January 2025

Here are the detailed steps for the legendary flight-timed research (Dynamax moltres).

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The final Timed Research of the Legendary Flight begins today at 10:00 a.m. The final research focuses on the preparation of Dynamax Moltres – the last Kanto-Bird. The assignments for this final research are very similar to the two previous ones. The Dynamax Sobble allows you to collect 500 max particles. Winning a max battle […]

Niantic announces new Raid Day details

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This Pokemon’s appearance on Raid Day will be no surprise to many players. This Pokemon had been hinted at by the video that announced this season, and it’s now confirmed. Hoopa Unbound is still missing from many players’ Pokedex. This news will be welcomed by them. Our review has all the information you need. Hoopa […]

You can earn more PokeCoins during the Lunar New Year than just the 50 PokeCoins you get from Gyms each day

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The Lunar New Year started yesterday. You can receive a Daily Field Research Task each day during this event as long as you have the space to do so. You will receive 5 PokeCoins if you successfully complete the Daily Field Research Task. You might get the rare Research Task that rewards 25 PokeCoins. The […]
