Details of the Community Day for March have been released. Niantic made an obvious decision in regards to Pokemon. We have the full details. March Community Day is scheduled for Saturday, March 8 from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Fuecocos are becoming more widespread in nature and they may even be shiny. Crocalor can be […]
Monthly Archives: February 2025
Beloved Buddies is a new event that begins today. This event includes Valentine’s Day. You won’t be seeing much, and you will not see any buddies, as implied by the name of the event. You will be able to see a new Pokemon in Pokemon GO. The details are below: Beloved Buddies will be held […]
Wild Pokemon are found in most events, including Beloved Buddies. Even some of the “regional Pokemon” that some players might not yet have are to be found. These Pokemon are not rare anymore because they have already been caught in many places. Unfortunately, new shinies will not be available for this event. This is a […]
Dhelmise is a brand new Pokemon that will be available in Pokemon GO today. You can only hunt this Pokemon in raids. By the way, it can’t yet be shiny, so in reality, it’s still not too bad. Dhelmise Visit our social media pages and website for the most recent Pokemon news. We also have […]
This event is free but there are no Beloved Buddies Timed Research paid. You can find out what it is you will get below. You can also choose: Beloved Buddies Timed Research 1/3: Take 15 Pokemon with 5 Ultra Balls Play 5 PokeStops and Gyms in Remoraid* Mantine* – Explore 2km Rewards: 1000 Stardust, 1000XP […]
Two Pokemon GO families will have a higher chance of obtaining a shiny during this event. Dunsparce is currently alone, but will receive an evolution later. Diglett Dugtrio < style=”clear: both”> We do not know the exact probability. This will be clearer in the next few days. Visit our social media pages and website for […]
Three Collection Challenges are part of the Beloved Buddies Event. Three Collection Challenges may seem like a lot of work, but that’s not the case. Things that were difficult to accomplish a few months ago are now quite simple. You can judge for yourself. Beloved Buddies Collection Challenge 1 Catch One: Cutiefly Fomantis Rewards: 15 […]
Three new tasks for Beloved Buddy’s Field Research are available at ten. Tandemaus makes them interesting. Check them out here: Catch 2 Pokemon and get 200 Stardust Win a raid – 1500 Stardust Tandem trade – Pokemon Tandemaus has two evolutionary stages, including one that is extremely rare. Visit our social media pages and website […]
Starting today at 10 am, certain Pokemon will get extra Stardust. You can find out which Pokemon they are by looking below. It is 500 Stardust extra (without Starpiece). The bonus is only valid during the event. The bonus will not count if you capture them later. Diglett* Slowpoke* Shellder* Dunsparce* Cutiefly* Fomantis* Shellder in […]