Pokemon UNITE makes stops in The Netherlands and Belgium

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Yesterday, we received some sad news for Dutch and Belgian Pokemon MOBA Pokemon UnITE fans. From Oct. 31 2024 onwards it won’t be possible to purchase a subscription. The game won’t be available in the Netherlands and Belgium after November 30, 2025.

A reason was not given. On the official website, it is only mentioned that this was a hard decision. Many believe it is because of the laws in each country that govern “Lootboxes”. It is more strict than most other countries, and it has prevented the Netherlands and Belgium from playing several games. Loot box sales are heavily regulated in many games, including FIFA. It is possible that the ending of UNITE in these countries is due to this.

Support is available to players until November 30, 2025. Creators of the game thank all players for their support and apologize for any inconvenience.

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