Desde o Taken Over Event em outubro de 2024, houve muitos novos Pokémon da Equipe Rocket, assim como líderes de equipe. Esta é uma boa oportunidade para atualizar os guias de counter. Abaixo você encontrará os melhores counters para a Equipe GO Rocket Cliff. Mesmo para os jogadores mais avançados, é importante entender que as coisas são […]
Giovanni é o próximo. Ele tem Shadow Palkia dessa vez. Esta é uma boa oportunidade para criar um contra-guia contra este chefe da Equipe GO Rocket. Este artigo vai te ensinar como derrotá-lo e quais Pokémon você pode encontrar. Dicas gerais: Movimentos super efetivos: Resistência é melhor que Ataque Você pode usar Pokémon que tenham […]
The Pokemon GO blog announced two additional Hoopa Raid Day bonuss last night. They were not announced previously, but they have now been added to the end of the article. From Hoopa Raid Day, every player can change Hoopa’s form (you will still need to do a special research for this). Hoopa can be sent […]
Yesterday, we informed you that Diglett’s and Dunsparce have a higher chance of winning. It’s always hard to say how much higher the chances are. We know now. The odds for each Pokemon are, on average, 1 in 128. It gives us a better idea of the chances that a shiny Pokemon will appear. There […]
Spinda, one of Pokemon GO’s more unique Pokemon, is a very special Pokemon. This Pokemon was first introduced in the game by 2018. Why is this strange little bear so unique? It has big ears, and odd spots all over its body. Spinda was introduced to Pokemon GO during the summer of 2018 as we […]
You can currently leave an Ultra Buddy or higher at the current Pokemon GO Showcases. You can’t prepare or hunt for yourself. You can’t hunt or prepare yourself today. We’ve used this rule before so prepare yourself for the next time. Waillord was the winner last time, but now it’s different due to new calculations. […]
Some players are asking us why they can’t complete the Make new friend task. You can now leave your Friendscode in a topic within the Community, but you have other options. You can complete this task by completing it with friends you’ve known for many years. The task can also be completed by removing and […]
Details of the Community Day for March have been released. Niantic made an obvious decision in regards to Pokemon. We have the full details. March Community Day is scheduled for Saturday, March 8 from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Fuecocos are becoming more widespread in nature and they may even be shiny. Crocalor can be […]
Beloved Buddies is a new event that begins today. This event includes Valentine’s Day. You won’t be seeing much, and you will not see any buddies, as implied by the name of the event. You will be able to see a new Pokemon in Pokemon GO. The details are below: Beloved Buddies will be held […]